Christopher Bryant, of Polari Magazine, talks to Neil McKenna about the arrest and trial of Fanny and Stella in 1870, a scandal that rocked Victorian England and revealed a hidden underworld of female impersonators and male prostitutes. Read the whole interview here
Tag Archive: Fanny and Stella interview
Jan 29
Interview with George Miller about Fanny & Stella on The Faber Podcast
Listen to me talking to George Miller about Fanny & Stella on The Faber Podcast
Jan 23
Interview on Radio 4, the Today Programme with Evan Davies
In the morning of January 22nd I appeared on the Radio 4 Today programme where I was interviewed by Evan Davies about Fanny and Stella, my latest book. You can listen to a recording further down the page. Here is a transcript of that interview: Radio 4 Today Programme broadcast on 22nd January at 6:53 …